Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This "Simple Answer To Questions That Seem Complex" is brought to you by the (comparatively) nice people at "WRITE LIKE A PRO...taught by an actual pro!" - the workshop for writers who want to create scripts like a pro and use them to create an overpaid career in TV, Film (and webisodes).

1. What Is A Television Producer?
For writers, a Television Producer is a "showrunner" - the head writer with the title Executive Producer.

2. How Do I Become A Television Producer?

In greater detail:
A) Write a terrific, professional spec script for an existing series.
B) Get it read (by people who matter - agents, network execs, showrunners, personal assistants)
C) Get it loved.
D) Get meetings.
E) Give Good Meeting
F) Get job offer for staff of a TV series. Immediately accept it.
G) Become immediately overpaid
H) Do NOT Get Fired
I) Climb the writer-ladder (staff writer, story editor, exec story ed, co-producer, producer, supervising producer, Co-Exec producer, Exec producer/showrunner)
J) Become wealthy in the process without losing your soul or your hair or gaining too much weight... maintain your passion for writing (or become a hack - at this point, it's completely up to you)
K) Create your own series... live through its cancellation (lather, rinse, repeat as necessary)
L) Create a series that lives... and becomes your legacy

Okay, but where can you learn exactly how to pull off this very neat trick? I'd be remiss if I didn't suggest you join us for "WRITE LIKE A PRO... taught by an actual pro!" The next workshop is in Los Angeles, October 10-11. Two full days that will show you how to write it like a pro and then use it to become a pro.

Just go to www.prowriter.com

Warm regards,

Bill Grundfest
Bel Air, CA 90077

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